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TwoPlusTwo attacked by hacker

TwoPlusTwo offline!


The TwoPlusTwo, the largest poker forum in English, is online since yesterday, Thursday, for having been the victim of attack on their security potentially compromised personal information of its members.


Here's the official statement:


The April 26, by approximately 11:20 PST (Pacific Standard Time), the Two Plus Two Forum was closed as a result of an attack by a hacker, it demonstrated the ability to access e-mail and encrypted passwords. He also indicated the ability to decrypt the passwords.


Although it is not clear the extent of the data he gained access, e-mails and passwords TwoPlusTwo Forum should be seen as compromised. If you use the same passwords on other sites of the 2 +2, please change them.

For the safety of members of the forum closed until the security breach is rectified.


We hope to be online as soon as possible.


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